Integrált hálózati technológiák laboratórium - br/Open !IMS Core
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Ha úgy érzed, hogy bármilyen formázási vagy tartalmi probléma van vele, akkor, kérlek, javíts rajta egy rövid szerkesztéssel!
Ha nem tudod, hogyan indulj el, olvasd el a migrálási útmutatót.
-- szzs - 2008.02.28.
A labor helye
Mérési útmutatók
Kidolgozott beugró kérdések
Mire való a különböző CSCF-ek és a HSS?
Several roles of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servers or proxies, collectively called Call Session Control Function (CSCF), are used to process SIP signalling packets in the IMS. The Home Subscriber Server (HSS), or User Profile Server Function (UPSF), is a master user database that supports the IMS network entities that actually handle calls. It contains the subscription-related information (user profiles), performs authentication and authorization of the user, and can provide information about the user's physical location. It is similar to the GSM Home Location Register (HLR) and Authentication Centre (AUC).
Hogyan kapcsolódik az alkalmazás szerver az IMS-hez?
Application servers (AS) host and execute services, and interface with the S-CSCF using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Kapcsolódhat, mint
- SIP UA - user agent
- SIP proxy
- SIP B2BUA - back-to-back user agent
Hogyan épül fel egy SIP session?
- B->A: 200 OK
- A->B: ACK
- A<->B: DATA
Mi az Initial Filter Criteria?
The Initial Filter Criteria is the grouping between a Trigger Point (the logical expression matching a message) and an Application Server. The absence of a Trigger Point in an Initial Filter Criteria indicates that the message should always be forwarded to the respective Application Server.
The Initial Filter Criteria can only match Initial Requests, like INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, MESSAGE, etc. Subsequent messages (like BYE, NOTIFY, INVITE inside a dialog, etc) are not checked or forwarded.
Each Initial Filter Criteria can be set to match only when the respective user on which it is set is registered or unregistered or in both cases.